quinta-feira, dezembro 31, 2009

Uma resposta


The Negative Dialetics: The Gnostic Adorno

When reading the two threads of Negative Dialectics Theodor Adorno ("Experience Metaphysics and Happiness" and "Nihilism ") we find a critique of vulgar religiosity approaching the concept of transcendence to the search for a "meaning of life."The Whole is the Truth (Hegel)The Whole is the False (T. Adorno)In the book "Negative Dialectics" Theodor Adorno, the author breaks with the past "apocalyptic" in discussions on the cultural industry to seek alternative "wholly other", the search for transcendence of a false totality that surrounds us. To this end, a decisive part Adorno critique of Hegel's dialectic positive (transcendence through the synthesis of an Absolute Spirit), to propose the foundations for a "Negative Dialectics": the rescue...

Cycling and Altered State of Consciousness: Gnosis in Sports?

What is the representation of the imaginary bicycle on pop culture? To our surprise we found a connection between the state of consciousness that bike provides (for its unique design that fuses human and machine) and Basilides of Gnosticism: the mental state of "suspension" that allows silencing the noise of the language for us to hear the spirit which seeks to gnosis.Basilides, an early Gnostic teachers in Alexandria, Egypt, second century of the Christian Era, harbored a distrust of the radical capacity of language to grasp reality. His theory can be summarized in Great idea of Denial: the truth about God is beyond knowledge human, denial of knowledge and language is the sacred path.In his paper, "Seven Sermons to the Dead" Basilides says...

Cartography and Topography of the Mind in the VI Scientific Meeting at Anhembi Morumbi University

Above a summary of the presentation of initial findings and first hypotheses of the research "Cartography and Topography of Mind" in the VI Scientific Meeting and Scientific Initiation of the Universidade Anhembi Morumbi held last Friday. If cinema is the social imaginary of a particular society and a certain time, the film reflects current a techno-scientific agenda marked by the impact of Neurosciences and Cognitive Sciences. This agenda technoscientific pervades the Internet today with binge people, spontaneously, want to record their experiences in private through "lifestreams", life-trackings, " inner geographies" and a whole range of cartography of mental life.Those who follow the evolution of thematic Blog posts "Secret Cinema: Cinegnose,"...

"Inception": Nolan falls under the spell of Neuroscience

Despite the packaging Gnostic (questions about the nature of reality, dreams like a parallel world, and female character who asks the protagonist to awaken from the sleep of reality) "Inception", (2010) Christopher Nolan is doing extremely reactionary an apology for the engineering spirit of neuroscience. The symbolism of dreams replaced by invasive mapping of the mind. It is known that Freudian psychoanalysis in the U.S. enjoys no scientific credibility. Concepts as the unconscious psyche and are ignored because they are not scientific, not empirical evidence. Discuss dreams and desires from human sexuality and relationships child with his mouth and excrement is too outlandish to American Puritanism. The American culture is more practical:...

NASA to Hollywood: The Film Reflects Techgnostic Agenda

In a lecture given at the World Future Society in Boston last month, NASA's chief scientist Dennis Bushnell introduced the new look for Tecnognose: environmentally friendly concern for global warming and climate change. Dispatch the man to virtual worlds to leave the planet in peace, through AI, nano and biotechnology, is his proposal. Hollywood seems to reflect the technological agenda in telling stories of technology to scan and map the dreams, memory and the human psyche. A world threatened by global warming and wars. Cause: politics, religion, megalomania, population growth, relationships, face-to-face and territorial disputes. Solution: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Nanoteconolgia and Biotechnology, gradually replacing human action...

quarta-feira, dezembro 30, 2009

Dogs and Archetypes: The Ad-Gnosis in Action

Because they are mnemonic records of spirituality and Light of the species, the archetypes naturally aspire to transcendence. But Ad-Gnosticism (Gnosis + Advertising), like any entertainment industry, the capture and confined within the instrumentality of trade. A prosaic example of the action of Ad-Gnosis is the new video advertising a brand of dog food. In previous posts we approach the concept of Ad-Gnosis to indicate a new phase that advertising is going where, paradoxically, the product tends to disappear from the ads, making it much less something to be gained from such event to be experienced, journey , discovery and personal renewal. We saw that the techniques of persuasion and persuasion in Advertising went through several phases (tactical...

"Neon Genesis Evangelion": The Rise of Gnosticism in Japanese Animes

Just as the Western Eastern religions absorb the exotic style and fluidity, Asians appear to adopt the Abrahamic traditions. Such mythological traditions seem to translate best dystopian worlds and ultra-violent futuristic battle of the narratives of "Anime" Japanese. Neon Genesis Evangelion, for example, is a veritable encyclopedia of classic themes of Gnosticism, where man confronts insane gods and indifferent in the scramble for the remaining elements of the origins of the cosmos.Below is a part of the article by Michael Conner "Gnostic Themes in Japanese Anime," published on the site "National Exanimer.com. The text summarizes didactically Gnosticism in four basic myths (Myth of the Demiurge, the fallen soul, the Divine Feminine Salvadore)...

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